With the trigger of MTD for VAT we were approached by a car servicing/repair/MOT business to implement an integrated accounts solution, previously it had been a combination of paper and spreadsheets. Having looked at their requirements and business structure we identified a potential marketing opportunity in so far as all their current business was, to all intents and purposes, reactive. A customer calls, books a service or MOT, job done, invoice paid, end of story.
We proposed a solution using Zoho Books and the flexible programming available therein to link the new system to DVLA such that when a customers car registration number is entered into the system all vehicle details can be automatically retrieved including MOT date. This gave the opportunity for active marketing with a short email to previous customers at the appropriate time to book their next MOT appointment. We are currently further developing this to send service reminders as well.
They now have a very slick accounting system, with invoices being emailed on the day the work is done and active marketing. This has resulted in both increased sales and a reduction debtor days with the corresponding much improved cash flow.